Thursday 26 January 2012

huggies rewards code

Huggies rewards code letter
Huggies rewards code

I like to get Huggies Rewards codes because they have the most organised and
Easiest system for redeeming points and I get free stuff as well more often.

Click here for Best Huggies rewards code

Lots websites are giving freebies away
I have found that huggies is the most popular discount program around as well
They have catalogues with many other bargains too.

Of course the huggies diapers are the best quality and the wet lock system does actually work i.e. keeps my baby dry and that is one the most important things , for i.e I bought another cheaper brand had a leak with them so my savings did not work I said to myself never again for that brand.

EBay always has bargains too so it pays too check them out now and then, the only downside with eBay is you get distracted by all the other bargains and possibilitie

You can give donate points to friends and family which is good at Christmas, Easter etc or when your friends are about to have their bubs.

Another source of great info is looking posts and bogs and reading though the comments, I always spick up tips and bargains that way; I find them right up to date info as well.

Here are some Couponing tips I’ve picked up.

Do not stockpile heaps of coupons and other freebies cos you will never use them all,
Just keep one or two of each unless you buy heap s of one product i.e. huggies snug and dry.

Don’t spend to much time saving coupons else it takes away time with your family and is always more important.

Your can save about 20 % to 50% on shopping coupons with some practice and organization
It takes me about 45 mins per week to find and print coupons
I personally use a coupon binder to keep them all together and have them in categories for quick reference
Also going back to School is a great time to make great saving too.

Has anyone noticed how the big diaper bags are very popular lately? They look great and are functional and are good when just popping out quickly but it is another bag to carry.

Here is a List of Huggies diaper products

• Good Nites Diapers
• Pull Ups Diapers
• Snug and Dry Diapers
• Little Movers Diapers – Has a Snugfit waistband
• Little Snugglers Diapers – Includes a wetness indicator
• Overnites Diapers – Designed for babies to wear at night.
• Pure and Natural Diapers – Made with organic cotton and are hypoallergenic. Popular nowadays

So that’s it for this article I hope I have helped some of you mum with not so much time to find useful info about huggies rewards code program called enjoy the ride.

Nellie Webster

                                                       Great video on huggies savings....

hope you enjoyed this video about Huggies rewards code promotion.